August 14, 2016, in /travelling_
It seems to be in Iceland but it's just Leghorn.
night eating day.
more sunsets, less consoles.
It seems to be in Iceland but it's just Leghorn.
night eating day.
more sunsets, less consoles.
sunset on the boat in the middle of the sea.
more sunsets, less consoles.
more sunsets, less consoles.
really excited to work in one of the most important venue in italy.
i'm ready for the battle !
Here one of a favourite artist of mine.
I still cannot believe last week i got the chanche not just to meet him but to be his sound guy too.
To crown it all he gave me one of his pic as thanksgiving for my job.
I was definitely honoured to work for him
Summer is defenitely gone.
Fall is slowly killing Summer's dream.
This is what means crossing the Apennines during a rainy sunday on my way home.
All was perfect thanks to Jets to Brazil perfecting loneliness.
Defenitely one of the best venue i've worked in.
This wonderful old ancient roman theathre is in Florence.
It's always nice coming back to work in place like this.
After one year i can proudly say that now i'm a better sound guy than i was before.
Happy to realize that i'm growing.
and it happened again.
my heart was about to explode.
here one of the place where i've always heard my favourite band playing live shows.
Every time i've been there i always looked at the foh area wondering if one day i'll never have the chance to work behind that consoles.
And today it just happen.
For the second time in my life my office was on a boat.
i defenitely loved it.
touring often bring you to lose the sense of time and when you find old car like this one around you the word confusion is not enough to explain what happen in your brain.
What does it exactly mean the word tourlife ?
It means having a show in rome in the night and being in milan the very next morning 'cause of in the noon you have to be in Turin for another show.
Once more i just didn't try to hold the tower with my hands, finger, feet.
I'm defenitely proud of me.
Here mr. Joyce used to write stuffs.
And then we are in Spain.
Come and say hello.
13 december | ourense
14 december | donosti
16 december | madrid
17 december | madrid
18 december | barcelona
one of the coolest venue i've never been and worked.
This is what i see just on my right from the foh.
off to Lyon.
Postcard is not a crime.
Looking for an atm in Ravenna just bring me to find out a portrait from the italian past.