December 29, 2017, in /tours_
25186 km.
7 countries.
35 shows.
another one is gone.
me facing the light.
25186 km.
7 countries.
35 shows.
another one is gone.
me facing the light.
hei Europe, you know what ?
you' re about to see my face around again !
I' m going to leave for a short tour.
Here where you' ll can find me:
17 maart —> Brussels
19 maart —> Amsterdam
21 mars —> Paris
22 march —> London
25 marzo —> Barcelona
26 marzo —> Valencia
27 marzo —> Madrid
Come to smash some high fives !
From january 2017 i'll be part of the crew as foh/monitor engineer for 'Dente' in 'Canzoni per metà tour'.
I' m really really excited.
On march I' ll be around Europe too !
See you around.
happy to be part of the live crew for the band 'od fulmine' promoting the album 'lingua nera' all over the italy during the next months.
on the road again !
New tour is about to start.
Once more around Italy with this guys.
See you around !
The band 'l' Orso' hired me for their new tour 'ho messo la sveglia per la rivoluzione'.
I' m defenitely ready for this new adventure.
You are going to see my face all around Italy one more time.
See you.
After christmas times and new year celebration's break I' m ready to start again un' 'America Tour' with 'il Triangolo'.
They are gonna bring me all over the Italy.
I can' t wait.
See you around.
And so this was it.
25 days.
21 shows.
8 countries crossed.
4 police checks.
7 people.
3 missing sharpies.
1 flashlight in a river.
1 van.
1 new family.
1 new instagram account.
12.328 km (7.7660,264 miles).
Rage, happiness, tiredness, never boring, tears, smiles, tension, anxiety, broken hearts, melancholy.
Thanks to everyone who was somehow part of this amazing adventure.
See you next time.
If ten years ago someone came to me saying that one day I' ll be the sound guy for two artists
from two of the bands that I love I just reply shut the f*ck up.
But I defenitely would be wrong.
Happy and proud to say that I' ll be around Europe with Garrett Klahn from 'Texas is the Reason'
and Karl Larsson from 'Last Days of April'.
These are the italian shows.
Come and dry my tears.